- What is the core essence of Louise Lyngh Bjerregaard?
- What has been most challenging for you starting your brand?
Coming to terms with people and brands copying the work, but now I don’t really care anymore. Not that I see copying as being flattering, because I don’t, I just don’t have the time to be bothered anymore which feels good. Very blissful.
- Do you have your own “rituals” while creating?
Yes, absolutely. I probably also have some that I'm not aware of.
When I have to direct a team, which happens most days throughout the year, my focus is on being as optimized as possible meaning getting sleep and staying hydrated with blood sugar levels in balance. I know it sounds elementary, but for me, it can be a real challenge. And because it’s not always possible to be in a complete balance due to x-y-z reasons, I’ve been working with a mental performance coach for more than a year to ensure that life and whatever rituals I have "in order to create" don’t get in the way of actually creating.
However, if I get to be behind a machine, I always say hello to it first. I think it’s rude not to. And then I always clean it first. From A-Z; oil and everything else you can check, adjust or reset. And then sound-blocking headphones on. I almost always work with sound-blocking headphones on. Even if it's just for emails and especially if I'm draping a showpiece.

- What do you like about the Nordic fashion world?
As I live and work in Paris, I try to focus on my work here. So, unfortunately, I don’t get to be so involved in the Nordic fashion world anymore. However, I respect being considered an “O.G. of knitwear” when knitting has been traditional in the Nordics for centuries. And then I like that it has shaped me through the good and bad.
- What do you want to achieve personally with your brand, in terms of sustainability?
I enjoy being able to work with deadstock and surplus, which sits well with me when I leave the studio. Of course, there are compromises along the way, but now that it is not a financial necessity for the brand anymore, it feels good to be true to my values and continue working this way as much as possible. I also have it as a requirement for when I work with other houses and designers, and it is warmly welcomed, which is amazing.
- Do you have any interesting projects going on right now?
Absolutely. Right now, we are in the middle of creating the AW24 prét-à-porter collection that will be shown in Paris next season. So wear the headphones every day. I have had two off-schedule show collections to play around with and some really dark and radical moments happening in my life, so I'm intrigued to see this AW24 as a whole. So far, it’s already some of the best work I’ve ever done, and we’re not even halfway there. For other projects, I'm more of a show rather than a tell person, and people who know the brand also know that I like to stay a bit below the radar, so you will have to wait and see. At this point, I'm just really grateful for everyday life and also very grateful for what’s to happen in the future.